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In the second week of November there will be two upcoming Arctic PASSION webinars. The second one will be on:


Webinar 2: Lake ice information in your pocket 

10 November 1 PM GMT
ArcticPASSION WebinarFlyer PSLakeIce Horizontal

Get to know the Lake Ice Service tool for your pocket, listen to the current status of its development as well as our future steps towards the expanded service. The Lake Ice Service collects lake ice information from multiple sources and visualizes the information in an easily accessible and understandable format website map tool. These information are generated by satellite data, governmental in situ networks as well as Community-Based Monitoring. Among other things, lake ice information is important for our understanding of ice-related changes and climate change. Lake ice is sensitive to intra-annual temperature fluctuations and long-term temperature trends.  Beside the climate change aspect, lake ice data are important for transport, arctic livelihood, and safety issues. The information will be useful for citizens and local communities as well as for scientific purposes.  The development of the Lake Ice Service is part of the Arctic PASSION project and will be further extended and co-designed in cooperation with users. 



Kirsikka Heinilä (Senior research scientist at the Finnish Environment Institute/Arctic PASSION)

Timo Pyhälahti (Senior expert at the Finnish Environment Institute/Arctic PASSION)

Moderation: Lisa Grosfeld (Project Manager at the Alfred Wegener Institute/Arctic PASSION)


Importantly, this dialogue seminar which is part of our ongoing  “Arctic PASSION Online Seminar and Dialogue Series” offered a valuable possibility to open discussion and enable dialogue between the service providers and the audience. All comments and suggestions were very appreciated. If you missed the webinar you can watch the recording here:



Please also see the first Arctic PASSION webinar in that week on "Arctic Observing Systems". Both webinars are indepentend from one another. 

© Photo Copernicus/SYKE, Design GRID Arendal/APECS


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Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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